Law Offices Of Alex T. Barak, P.A.
Are you seeking citizenship? Our Hollywood Citizenship Lawyers can help!
Call For a Free Telephone Case Evaluation!
Hire ALEX BARAK, the pro with 40+ years' of representing clients/applicants for U.S. citizenship, going with them to their interviews, and delivering success. Call for a free case evaluation at 954-961-6200.
To obtain U.S. citizenship, called the naturalization process, an applicant must first have a green card and lawful permanent resident status.
A green card holder can generally apply for U.S. citizenship five years after becoming a permanent resident. A green card holder through marriage can apply for U.S. citizenship three years after becoming a permanent resident, as long as the couple are living together and have many joint records and accounts. A person who is granted asylum then obtains a green card and receives a one-year period of residency counted back to one year before he/she is approved for said green card. Thus, this person will need to wait only for four years after receiving the green card, in most cases. Call for a free case evaluation at 954-961-6200.
There are four common paths for applying for citizenship: citizenship through parents, military green card holders, citizenship through marriage, and citizenship through having a green card of five years or more.

Those who owe taxes or failed to pay taxes, or who have lived outside the USA for a large amount of time, or have been arrested, those who pay child support or alimony, or who do not speak English well have an absolute great need to have an attorney plan the entire case. Too many people go alone without an attorney and have caused themselves legal harm.
In recent years, we have seen so many people come to us with problems with citizenship cases they filed without a lawyer. Most of these people were blinded to the legal needs of the case. GOOGLE cannot teach law. It has no law license. These persons have seen their cases delayed for a long time and are stuck in a bureaucratic "black hole." We do help those qualified clients to reach the citizenship promised land, but it would have been faster if this office had been hired from the start.
Call For A Free Citizenship Case Evaluation At 954-961-6200.
Hire ALEX BARAK, the pro with 40+ years' of representing clients/applicants for U.S. citizenship, going with them to their interviews, and delivering success. Call for a free case evaluation at 954-961-6200.
The continuous residence requirement for three or five years means that applicants must be physically present in the U.S. over 50% of the year and have no absence of six months or more. Not paying taxes, owing taxes, owing child support or alimony, or any criminal arrest can prevent citizenship approval. Certain criminal cases, including non-traffic misdemeanors, and misdemeanor domestic violence, can cause a green card holder to not only be denied citizenship but to lose his/her green card and be deported to the home country. The citizenship test, involving questions about U.S history, civics, and geography, as well as reading out loud one sentence and writing one sentence, is fairly easy to pass. All those who study well pass the test.
Once granted naturalization, or U.S citizenship, the applicant can then obtain a U.S passport from a different government agency known as the U.S Passport Agency, a division of the U.S. Department of State. Then, more options open up in filing for certain relatives.

Contact Us About Your Citizenship Case
Contact an experienced Immigration attorney, Alex T. Barak can help you today.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.