All the details are not yet out, but President Biden will push for legislation for significant changes to America’s Immigration laws.

It is being called a “pathway to citizenship,” an eight years’ legal trail for those physically in the USA as of January 1, 2021. At first, an applicant will be placed into a temporary protected status with work permits for five years, after which he/she will be entitled to a green card by proof of paying taxes and passing a background check. Eligibility to apply for citizenship, a U.S. passport, would follow three years later.
The last major Immigration Amnesty was during 1987-1988 under President Reagan and Alex Barak was the first Hebrew-speaking lawyer in Florida representing clients for this category. Mr. Barak was also the leading Florida lawyer for late amnesty cases of 1990-1991, called LULAC.
During the Obama administration, Alex Barak submitted detailed Immigration reform plans including a form of amnesty which was widely distributed to Senators and members of Congress. It is reported that some of his creative suggestions were warmly welcomed by the powers in Washington.
Now, we must be patient and see how this new Biden proposal develops.
It this amnesty plan does pass, rest assured Alex Barak with his 39 years’ experience as a licensed lawyer, will be a leader for the local community, making sure all eligible persons apply and are approved.
Alex Barak
Florida licensed lawyer since 1981

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